I was emailed a more personal recently and said I wuld respond on the blog within 24 hours. Now if anyoneelse out there has questions you'd like to ask me pease comment on one of the posts or emal me @ poetryprofessr@live.com I usually respond to all emails within 24 hours and wll post answr on the blog within 24 hours of that (So give me a window of 48 hours Max Please.)
Question; "Ashley, you have written in a previous post that most of your good work is written when yur emotions are at their extrem. When your feelings reach that level and you write, do you write abut what made you feel that way? OR are you able tow rite about anything?-Linda Louis"
Answer; Hi Linda Louis. Thank you for the inquiry! I appreciate them whn I receive tem because it gives me an idea of what to write! (back to the question)
I beleive I also stated that in my ezine article HOW TO WRITE YOUR FIRST POEM.
Now, when I said " I seem to be able to express my feelings best when I am at my peek of emotion. Whether I am frustrated, irritated, lonely, happy, or in the moment of love...etc." I mean that I don't change a lot of those peices because I am usually happy with them and I think it's because I am able to express how I feel better at that time. Expressing your feelings on paper is the art of poetry. That being said I beleive I've writeen about other subjects rather than it always being from my personal experiences. As I've also expressed in my Ezine, "I have written poems and stories from my personal life situations and feelings, as well as others some that were factorial and some fictional." I've also used metaphores to express my feelings about my personal experiences without having to say what they were. "Your imagination is your only limit." Many of my love poems I would have to say usually are exactly what I am feeling and when...
So simply I write about many things, not ALWAYS the reason as to why I find myself writing at that specific time. For example I could be sitting in my shower crying, get out and write something from my heart that makes me feel happy. Two different things but what matters is it is myself expressing myself. I just find that that is the best time for me to write about well... anything. I also figured that may help you or many others with what they are writing and if they are having trouble.
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